I have had the privilege of working with SEEAG in a variety of roles over the years, and returning to lead it has been a true honor. It’s been deeply fulfilling to witness our programs grow, evolve, and touch the lives of so many students and community members, thanks to your support.

As we reflect on the past year, I am filled with a deep sense of gratitude and pride for all that we have accomplished together. I am thrilled to share the strides we’ve made in the last twelve months.

With the support of our amazing team, board, and community partners, we have continued to provide free food and agricultural literacy programs to thousands of students, empowering them to make informed choices about their food, the environment, and their futures.

A few highlights from the past six months include:

  • Impactful Educational Programs: We’ve reached over 9,000 students nearly 10,000 community members through our hands-on farm-based field trips, nutrition lessons, STEM workshops, and Farm Day events. Our programming continues to foster curiosity, critical thinking, and a deep connection to the farms and food that sustains us.

  • New Partnerships and Collaborations: We’ve built new relationships with local farms, educational institutions, and community organizations to expand our reach and further enrich our programs. These partnerships have been instrumental in enhancing the quality of our offerings and uplifting our entire community.

  • Sustaining Growth and Development: Our team has grown strong, thanks to the talent, dedication and passion of our staff. We’ve had the pleasure of welcoming new members to the SEEAG family, further strengthening our ability to support and inspire young minds, and are planning for further expansions.

Looking ahead to 2025, I am excited for SEEAG’s continued growth, reaching more students and community members, and deepening our impact.

I want to thank each of you for being a part of this journey. Your belief in SEEAG’s mission is what makes our work possible. Together, we are planting the seeds of a more sustainable, informed, and empowered future.



















Students picking herbs at Petty Ranch during Farm Lab

2023/2024 YOUTH IMPACT: VC & SBC


"I have always enjoyed coming to the Petty Ranch for the SEEAG lessons, but the changes to your presentations you made this year were top-notch!

My students came back to school brimming with information and were so excited to get their bag of lemons, the broccoli sprout, and other information. So well done - you can tell that a lot of planning, organization, and development was given to provide the perfect type of agriculture and soil, water, insect, and food science lessons to 3rd graders. Plus, all the presenters were fabulous!"

- Aspen Elementary School, Ventura County

Third graders participating in Food Lab, making a healthy salad
Farm Lab logo

Our continued expansion of Farm Lab into the Santa Maria and the addition of new team members, we were able to see more students than ever before, totaling 285 Farm Lab field trips and presentations.


Youth Wellness Initiative Program logo

The Youth Wellness Initiative traveled over 1000 miles to visit 26 different school districts, and distributed more than 3,100 pounds of fresh, locally grown produce to students for free. We also held 6 wellness fairs, reaching hundreds more students and their families.


STEM Career Pathways in Agriculture Program logo

The STEM Career Pathways in Agriculture Initiative educated over 1,200 students about the limitless opportunities at their fingertips in the agricultural industry through in-depth classroom presentations.


STEM is G.R.E.A.T Program logo

The S.T.E.M is G.R.E.A.T. Initiative launched in 2022 with support from the CDFA, which taught close to 300 promising young women about the variety of agricultural careers that are available, empowering them with resources and tools to take the next steps into the industry.


High School students picking strawberries at a local farm during STEM field trip


Los Angeles County

Los Angeles USD
Broadous Elementary
Welby Way Elementary

Santa Barbara County

Carpinteria USD
Aliso Elementary

Goleta USD
Isla Vista Elementary

Hope Elementary SD
Hope Elementary

Lompoc USD
Crestview Elementary

Los Olivos SD
Los Olivos School

Orcutt USD
Alice Shaw Elementary
Joe Nightingale Elementary

Santa Ynez Christian Academy
Selah Homeschool Resource Center

Santa Barbara USD
Cleveland Elementary

Santa Maria Bonita SD
Arellanes Elementary "
Battles Elementary
Bill Libbon Elementary
David Sanchez Elementary
Miller Elementary
Tunnell Elementary

Ventura County

Briggs Elementary SD
Briggs Elementary

Conejo Valley USD
Acacia Elementary
Aspen Elementary
Cypress Elementary
Walnut Elementary
Westlake High School
Weathersfield Elementary

Fillmore USD
Fillmore High School

Hueneme ESD
Fred L. Williams Elementary
Hueneme Elementary
Parkview Elementary
Richard Bard Elementary

Mesa USD
Mesa Elementary
Mupu Elementary

Moorpark USD
Moorpark High School

Ocean View SD
Mar Vista Elementary

Oxnard Elementary SD
Curren School
Elm Street Elementary
Harrington School
Juan Lagunas Soria
Kamala School

Oxnard Union HSD
Frontier High School
Hueneme High School
Oxnard High School
Pacifica High School
Rio Mesa High School

Pleasant Valley SD
Las Posas Elementary
Tierra Linda Elementary

Ace Charter High School
Ascension Lutheran School
Bridges Charter School
City Christian School
New Harvest Christian
Our Lady of the Assumption
Vista Real Charter High School

Rio SD
Rio Rosales Elementary
Rio del Mar Elementary
Rio del Norte Elementary
Rio del Sol STEAM Academy
Rio Lindo Elementary
Rio Plaza Elementary
Rio Real School
Rio del Valle Middle School
Rio Vista Middle School

Santa Clara Elementary SD
Santa Clara Elementary

Santa Paula USD
Barbara Webster Elementary
Glen City Elementary
Grace Thille Elementary
Isbell Middle School

Simi Valley USD
Atherwood Elementary
Wood Ranch Elementary

Somis USD
Somis Elementary

Ventura USD
Anacapa Middle School
Citrus Glen Elementary
Junipero Serra Elementary
Lemon Grove School
Montalvo Elementary
Pacific High School
Pierpont Elementary
Portola Elementary
Ventura High School



NOVEMBER 2, 2024

AUGUST 24, 2024

“All three places we visited were spectacular. Learned a lot about mulching, strawberry picking innovation, and the tasty celery, thank you for the little plants. Wish you had a Farm Day for every season! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

- Ventura County County Farm Day Attendee

“I absolutely loved hearing the stories of farmers. My kids enjoyed learning how their food is grown, and it made them so much more appreciative of our meal we had that night. Thank you so so much for hosting such a great event!”

- Santa Barbara County Farm Day Attendee

“Having the opportunity to meet with the growers personally, to hear their opinions and concerns about bringing our food to market. It was so eye-opening and such a special thing to experience.”

- Ventura County Farm Day Attendee



Stories and listings about SEEAG and Farm Day were published over 150 times in 2024 in dozens of publications across print and digital media. Check out a few of our favorite stories.

CBS Los Angeles - “Ventura nonprofit teaches kids the science behind farming”

NBC Los Angeles - “Visit 15+ farms during the activity-packed Ventura County Farm Day”

EdHat - “SEEAG Introduces Visionaries Circle LEAGUE²”

Santa Maria Times- - Santa Barbara County Farm Day offers chance to meet the hands that feed you on Aug. 24”

VC Star - “Eco-tip: Farm Day tours to feature compost and mulch”

TOP 5 OF 2024

SEEAG’s Founder, Mary Maranville, was honored as one of five women in Ventura County to receive the prestigious Women of the Year Award from Senator Monique Limón. This recognition highlights Mary’s, and SEEAG's, 16 years of unwavering commitment to fostering agricultural literacy among students and community members throughout the county.

Mary Maranville,
Women of the Year

In April, SEEAG hosted its first STEM Career Pathways in Agriculture Career Fair at McGrath Family Farm in Camarillo. Over 560 Rio School District 6th graders explored agricultural STEM careers with the support of McGrath Family Farm, Rodale Institute, and six other incredible partners. This event provided early exposure to STEM education while highlighting agriculture's role in shaping future careers. This day was made possible with generous support from The Port of Hueneme, The Gene Haas Foundation, CSUCI, and Rincon-Vitova Insectaries.

1st Annual STEM in Ag. Career Fair

This year’s Santa Barbara County Farm Day welcomed over 5,000 attendees at 15 locations, where participants learned about the origins of their food and met the hands that feed them. Thank you to our amazing 2024 participating locations, including:

  • Babe Farms

  • Ballard Walnut Grove

  • Bonipak Produce

  • Central West Produce

  • Dare 2 Dream Farms

  • Engel & Grey

  • Growing Grounds

  • Growing Minds 

  • Las Cumbres Ranch

  • Mark Richardson CTE Center

  • Plantel Nurseries

  • Rancho Laguna Farms

  • Riverbench Winery

  • Santa Barbara Blueberries

  • Sunrise Organics

Santa Barbara County Farm Day

This year’s Ventura County Farm Day welcomed over 4,000 attendees at 16 locations, offering an opportunity to learn about the origins of their food and meet the people behind it. Thank you to our amazing 2024 participating locations, including:

  • Ventura County Agricultural Museum

  • Agromin

  • Alpacas at Windy Hill

  • Duda Farm Fresh Foods

  • Good Farms

  • Growing Works

  • McGrath Family Farm

  • Ojai Olive Oil

  • Oxnard Historic Farm Park

  • Petty Ranch/SEEAG Hub

  • Prancer’s Farm

  • Rancho Camulos National Historic Landmark

  • Rio School Farm

  • Sa’aliyas Ranch

  • UC Hansen Agricultural Research Center

  • Ventura County Agricultural Weights & Measures

Ventura County Farm Day

Farm-to-Food Lab Additions

The Ventura County Farm-to-Food Lab at Petty Ranch saw exciting updates this year with several site enhancements, including new educational signage showcasing the ranch’s history and SEEAG’s lessons. The lab also introduced a 32-square-foot vermicompost system hosting over 10,000 worms. This system processes food scraps from student snacks and lunches, serving as a powerful hands-on learning tool to teach composting and sustainability. In addition to these site upgrades, the program rolled out new lessons and extended educational time, providing students with an even richer and more impactful learning experience!

2023-2024 FINANCIALS

Over the 2023-2024 fiscal year, we conservatively managed our expenses while exponentially growing our programs, so that each dollar goes the farthest it can towards making an impact in the lives of thousands of local students and community members. These financials reflect the 2023-2024 fiscal year.






Adriana Higuera


AgWest Farm Credit

Al Lowe Construction, Inc.

Al & Petra Lowe

Alex SB

Alexia Munoz

Alice Weiner

Alison Harris

Alison Waters

Allan Hancock College

Alvaro Arriaga Barriga

Amber Whitson

Andrea Sipos

Andremily Wines

Andrew Delara

Angela Fulmer

Anita Lemos

Babe Farms Specialties, Inc.

Barbara Rudin

Beardsley and Son, Inc.

Bejo Seeds, Inc.

Betsy Chess

Bob Nelson

Bonipak Produce Inc

Brent Steiner

Brokaw Nursery

Buell Brown

Cal-Coast Machinery, Inc.

California Fresh Market

California Giant, Inc.

Camarillo Rotary

Caren Rich

Carol Johansen

Carol Johnson

Carol Mineau

Casey Trela


Cecilia Beltran

Central West Produce

Char Ham

Ccharles wilmoth

Charlotte Crocker

Cheryl Fisher

Chris Waldron

Christine & Craig Reade

Church Brothers LLC

Coastal Vineyard Care Associates

Crystal Richardson

CSU Channel Islands

Cyrena Nouzille

Daniel Gonzalez

Danielle Kistler

Darren Borgstedte

David Miller

Dee Kehoe

Deidre Book

Deirdre Duvall

Denise Noell

Diane Adam

iane Federle

DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance

Dina Defterios

DJ Stornetta

Dolores Dyer Castellano

Dottie Lyons

Doug Kirk


Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Inc.

Ed and Julie Williams

Edwin Woods Jr.

Ehsan Iraniparast

Elisabeth Lassanyi

Elizabeth Ponce

Elizabeth Yata

Ellen Brokaw

Emilie Dressaire

Emily Wells

Engel & Gray, Inc.

Eric Jones

Erin Fleckenstein

Frances Lee

Frank McHugh O'Donovan Foundation

Gail Brockett

Gary Ball

Gene Haas Foundation

Gene Madeo

Gills Onions / Rio Farms

Gina Dorrington

Gina Gooding

Grace B Malloy

Grower-Shipper Assc. of SB and SLO Counties

Gwen Huenergardt

Hattie Beresford

Heather Deutsch

Heather Jones

Heather Williams

Henry Mayo Newhall Foundation

Hillary Krumbholz

Ian Christian Jacobsen

Ingrid and Christoper Loh

Innovative Produce Inc.

ira razon

Ivette Martinez

Jack Tregidga

Jacqueline Cleugh

Jada Broughton

James Ludwig

James Small

Janett O’Laughlin

Janett Nolan

Jason Park Living Hope Fund

Jazmin Navarre

Jeanette Lombardo

Jeff Fassett

Jennifer Brickey

Jennifer Drury

Jennifer Hollowell

Jessica Grover

Jill George

Joan Smith

Jocelyn Trinidad

Jody Haskins

John Marchese

John Phaneuf

John Schumacher

Jonathan Grunzweig

Jonathan Light

Jose Coronado

Judith Lundberg

Julie Cooke

Julien Scholnick

Justin Galvan

Kaelan Galaska

KaiaJoye Wesolowski

Kaiser Permanente

Kara Grabendike

Karen Lyons

Karen Telleen-Lawton

Karin Gonzalez

Kate Hernandez

Kathleen Middlebrooks

Kathryn Estomo

Kathy Odell

Kelly Sosa

Kendra Petersen

Kimball McPheron Ranch

Kimi Soto

Kiwanis Club of Ventura

Kris Yi

L Rob

LaCene Wilkins

Las Cumbres Ranch

Laura Barbro

Laura McAvoy

Lauren Carr

Lauren Indendi

Lauren Johanson

Lawrence Fiery

Leise Thomason

Lena Childers

Leslie Ervin

leslie mcquaide

Leticia Trujillo

Lillian Wiley

Linda Cordero

LM Eklund Consulting

Lori or Rob Bean

Lorine Edens

Lynda Snodgrass

Madeleine Gendreau

Maiya Borchard

Maria Torres

Mark and Stephanie Fugate

Mark Bath

Marla Van Stein

Mary French

Mary K McCool

Matthew Turlo

Maureen Cottingham

Maverick Farming Company

McGrath Family Farm

Mel Duke

Mel McGuirk

Mike Alarid

Milly Beebee

Min Zhu

Mission Produce

Misti Rose

Monica Knapton

Montecito Bank and Trust

Montse Granados

Nanette Stowell

Narda Fargotstein

Nayla Reynolds

Nick Patrino

Nicolette Flannery

North Fork Ranch

Oliver Melgrove

Paige Caras

Pam Tonucci

Pamela Tonucci

Perpetual Power

Phillip Bohl

Plantel Nurseries, Inc.

Port of Hueneme


Priscilla McGee

R. Sam Taylor

Rebecca Ayala

Rebecca Sherman

Rebekah Vieira

Reiter Affiliated Companies

Renee Warden

Rex Bartle

Rhonda Callahan

Richard Baldwin

Rickey Lee

Rincon-Vitova Insectaries, Inc

Rincon-Vitova Insectaries, Inc.

Rivendell Trust

Roan mills bakery

Robert Paulus

Robin Rocco

Rosa Zapata

Rose Li

Sakata Seed America, Inc

Sandra castillo

Sanjana Mishra

SBC Board of Supervisors

Santa Barbara Foundation

Santa maria Berry Farms

Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Mission Indians

Santa Ynez Valley Foundation

Sarah Lopez

Sarita Johnson

SB Blueberries / Creekside Agroecology

Scott Family Foundation

Sebastian Fanucchi

Shannon Praetorius

Sharie Strasburger

Sheila Tate

Simi Valley Historical Society

Sprouts Healthy Communities Foundation

Stacey Anderson

Stephanie Zierhut

Steven Donnelly

Steven richwine

Sue Kilpatrick

Susan Jang

Suzanne Swink

Syed Mujtaba

T-Mobile Foundation

Tara Johnson

Terri Harris

Terry Hammer

The Albertsons Companies Foundation

The Blackbaud Giving Fund

The Finch Family Foundation

The Klehn Family Foundation

The Oxnard Historic Farm Park

Theresa Cote

Tina Condelli

Tyler Waiton

United Way


Vanessa Murillo

Vegie Hansen

Ventura County Agricultural Commissioner

Ventura County Credit Union

Ventura County Executive Offices

Ventura County Food Safety Association

VUSD Sa’aliyas Ranch at Pacific High School

Veronica Rauschenberger

Warren Powers

Wendy Manard

Western Onion Sales, Inc.

White Seed Company

William Clemens

Williams - Corbett Foundation

Wish Farms Family Foundation

Wood-Claeyssens Foundation

Yalda Khodadad

Zachary Ernest